Programmes et formations>>

Powersport Vehicle and Outdoor Power Equipment Mechanics

Code 5867
Sanction DEP
Secteur Entretien d'équipement motorisé (10)
Nombre d'unités120
Durée totale1800 heures
StatutProgram approved in 2019.
Aucun organisme scolaire n'offre ce programme présentement
Ce programme est offert en langue française : 
5367 - Mécanique de véhicules de loisir et d'équipement léger
  • Objectifs et professions visées
  • Conditions d'admission
  • Contenu du programme

Objectifs du programme

The program of study Powersport Vehicle and Outdoor Power Equipment Mechanics prepares students to work as mechanics for recreational vehicles (such as motorcycles, three-wheelers, scooters, ATVs), recreational watercraft (such as jet skis, outboard motors), and outdoor power equipment (such as motorized lawn and garden equipment, snowblowers, chain saws).

Professions visées (s’informer sur un métier ou une profession sur Qué

Motorcycle, all-terrain vehicle and other related mechanics (7334)
Other small engine and small equipment repairers (7335)

Appellation(s) d'emploi

réparateur/réparatrice de motoneiges
réparateur/réparatrice de petits moteurs
réparateur/réparatrice de souffleuses à neige à essence
réparateur/réparatrice de tondeuses à gazon à essence
réparateur/réparatrice de véhicules tout-terrain

Conditions d'admission

To be eligible for admission to this program, candidates must meet one of the following requirements:

Persons holding a Secondary School Diploma or its recognized equivalent, for example, an Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary V studies, or a postsecondary diploma such as the Diploma of College Studies or a Bachelor's degree
Persons who are at least 16 years of age on September 30 of the school year in which their training is to begin and have earned the Secondary IV credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in the programs of study established by the Minister, or have been granted recognition for equivalent learning
Persons who are at least 18 years of age upon entry into the program and have the following functional prerequisites: the successful completion of the General Development Test (see the following table), or recognition of equivalent learning
Persons who have obtained Secondary III credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in programs established by the Minister are required to pursue general education courses, concurrently with their vocational training, in order to obtain the Secondary IV credits they lack in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in programs established by the Minister.

Préalables fonctionnels

This section identifies the modules or course codes for the actual programs of study in adult general education that are specific prerequisites in language of instruction and mathematics. Functional prerequisites includes the successful completion of specific prerequisites as well as the general development test (TDG). When a DVS doesn't require specific prerequisites in language of instruction or in mathematics, a dash ( - ) is displayed in the appropriate cell. For programs that lead to an AVS, specific prerequisites and the TDG do not apply (N/A).

Préalables spécifiques
Langue d'enseignementLangue secondeMathématique
ENG-2102-4 ou (ENG-2062-3)632-206 ou (632-212)--MTH-2101-3 ou (MTH-2006-2)563-226 ou (563-206)

Contenu du programme

Code Énoncé de la compétence  Heures Unités
719-631 Determine their suitability for the trade and the training process 15 1
719-641 Prevent threats to health, occupational safety and the environment 15 1
719-652 Find technical information on powersport vehicles and outdoor power equipment 30 2
719-664 Perform shop work 60 4
719-673 Perform heating, cutting and welding work 45 3
719-683 Repair traction systems on powersport vehicles and outdoor power equipment 45 3
719-696 Inspect electrical and electronic systems 90 6
719-706 Repair electrical and electronic systems 90 6
719-712 Check the operation of hydraulic systems 30 2
719-725 Repair and maintain conventional braking systems 75 5
719-738 Repair and maintain four-stroke gasoline engines and their systems 120 8
719-746 Repair two-stroke engines and lubrication systems 90 6
719-753 Repair ignition systems 45 3
719-766 Repair and maintain carburetors 90 6
719-776 Repair and maintain clutch systems and transmissions 90 6
719-784 Repair and maintain work and cutting devices 60 4
719-797 Repair and maintain steering and propulsion systems of recreational watercraft 105 7
719-804 Inspect the functioning of electronic control systems 60 4
719-814 Repair steering systems on land-based powersport vehicles and outdoor power equipment 60 4
719-825 Repair and maintain suspensions 75 5
719-835 Repair and maintain drivetrains and differentials 75 5
719-845 Repair and maintain air intake, fuel and exhaust systems 75 5
719-857 Repair and maintain the sequential transmission and clutch systems of the powertrain 105 7
719-865 Repair driving assistance and alternative drive systems 75 5
719-876 Perform periodic and seasonal maintenance of powersport vehicles and outdoor power equipment 90 6
719-886 Enter the workforce 90 6
1800 120