Programmes et formations>>

Aluminum Alloy Welding: GTAW and GMAW

Code 4700
Sanction AEP
Secteur Métallurgie (16)
Nombre d'unités42
Durée totale630 heures
Aucun organisme scolaire n'offre ce programme présentement
  • Objectifs et professions visées
  • Conditions d'admission
  • Contenu du programme

Objectifs du programme

Acquire competencies required to weld alloys using the GTAW, GMAW, GTAW-P and GMAW-P processes.

Fonction de travail


Conditions d'admission

To be eligible for admission to the Aluminium alloy welding GTAW and GMAW program leading to an STC, candidates must meet one of the following requirements:

Persons must have obtained at least Secondary III credits or their equivalent in language of instruction, second language and mathematics.
Persons must have obtained an Attestation of Equivalence of Secondary 5 Studies (AESS).
Persons must have passed the General Development Test (GDT) without specific prerequisites.
Persons must have stopped their full-time studies for at least 12 months.
Persons must be 18 years old at the time they begin the training program.
Persons must meet the eligibility conditions under Emploi-Québec’s Manpower Training Measure.
(This STC is eligible for the TCST-STC bridge)

Admission requirements for the TCST-STC bridge

The admission requirements for the TCST-STC bridge are identical to those that apply to the TCST-DVS bridge:
- Hold a TCST;
AND - Be at least 16 years old on September 30 of the school year in which you start vocational training;
AND - Have earned the required credits in language of instruction, second language and mathematics in Secondary Cycle 1 in general education in the youth sector or in Secondary II in adult general education.

Contenu du programme

Code Énoncé de la compétence  Heures Unités
STC 020-001 The Trade and the Training Process 15 1
STC 020-002 Occupational Health and Safety Rules 30 2
STC 020-003 Welding With Shielding Gas (GTAW and GMAW) 45 3
STC 020-004 Preparing and Assembling Aluminum Alloy Parts 45 3
STC 020-005 Controlling the Quality of Welded Aluminum Alloy Assemblies 30 2
STC 020-006 Interpreting Welding Procedures and Symbols 30 2
STC 020-007 Welding Aluminum Alloys Using the GTAW Process 75 5
STC 020-008 Welding Aluminum Alloys Using the GTAW-P Process 60 4
STC 020-009 Applying Metallurgical Principles to Aluminum Alloy Welding 45 3
STC 020-010 Plasma Cutting Aluminum Alloy Parts 30 2
STC 020-011 Welding Aluminum Alloys Using the GMAW Process 90 6
STC 020-012 Welding Aluminum Alloys Using the GMAW-P Process 45 3
STC-020-013 Using Job Search Techniques 15 1
STC-020-014 Entering the Work Force 75 5
630 42
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