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  • Objectifs et professions visées
  • Conditions d'admission
  • Contenu du programme

Objectifs du programme

Conditions d'admission

Contenu du programme

Code Énoncé de la compétence  Heures Unités
AEP-748-011 Determine their suitability for the occupation of assistive care attendant working in a CHSLD 15 1
AEP-748-022 Prevent infections and contamination 30 2
AEP-748-038 Provide assistive care related to activities of daily living 120 8
AEP-748-044 Establish a helping relationship 60 4
AEP-748-054 Adopt relational approaches with clients with severe cognitive impairments, mental health problems or neurodevelopmental disorders 60 4
AEP-748-062 Adapt intervention methods, taking into consideration the needs and capabilities of seniors 30 2
AEP-748-072 Provide assistance to clients in palliative and end-of-life care 30 2
AEP-748-082 Administer first aid 30 2
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