NameÉcole hôtelière de la Capitale
School Service CentreCSS de la Capitale
RegionCapitale-Nationale (03)
Address7, rue Robert-Rumilly
Québec (Québec)
G1K 2K5
Telephone(418) 686-4040 poste 4076
E-mail[email protected]
Programs and training offered
  • Specific information
  • Regional Specifics

Specific information

L’école hôtelière de la Capitale est le premier établissement d’enseignement en alimentation et tourisme à Québec où depuis 1965, des programmes de formation de haut niveau y sont offerts.

- Formation pratique en atelier
- Nouvelles installations modernes
- Enseignants d’origines diverses et actifs dans les médias et dans l’industrie
- Récipiendaire de prix d’envergure provinciale, nationale et internationale
- Stages internationaux (Europe, États-Unis,  Amérique Latine)
- Bourses de reconnaissance
- Participations à plusieurs concours culinaires et vinicoles
- Collaboration étroite avec la Fondation Serge-Bruyère

Regional Specifics

Capitale-Nationale - Chaudière-Appalaches (03-12)

DVS/AVS programs

For the 1st application session, you may only make one (1) application for the participating educational organizations in these regions. Any application received after this date will be considered for the 2nd application session.

For the 2nd application session, from March 2nd to September 1st, you may make two (2) applications for the participating educational organizations in these regions. Only the application designated as the first priority will be processed. A verdict of "not-admitted" or "waiting list" will automatically activate the application designated as priority 2. Only one application can receive an admitted verdict.

You may modify or delete your application, change the order of priority or modify your personal information at any time by accessing your dossier online.

Programs with exceptions
An application to a program with exceptions (see the list below) allows the candidate to make a 2nd application that will be processed at the same time as the first one. Please note that if the application to a program with exceptions is accepted, the other one will be cancelled. However, if the application to the regular program is accepted, the application to a program with exceptions will remain active. Programs with exceptions vary from region to region.

5220 - Conduite d'engins de chantier
5248 - Conduite de grues
5322 - Intervention en sécurité incendie
5361 - Lancement d'une entreprise
5375 - Montage de lignes électriques et de télécommunications
5861 - Starting a Business

STC program, Non-Official Courses & Student for a Day

Three (3) applications are permitted for the participating educational organizations in this region. Applications will be processed as soon as they are submitted to the educational organization. The processing of these applications is independent from the applications submitted for a DVS/AVS program. It is not possible to indicate the desired order of priority. Only one application per region can receive an admitted verdict.

See the regional specifics for each region
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